Grafico javascript charting library Documentation

Grafico is a graphing library based on Raphaël and Prototype.js. It is originally developed as Ico by Alex Young, but this version was developed by Kilian Valkhof at Wakoopa. Grafico's basic principles are to provide good, clean looking graphs inspired by work of Stephen Few and Edward Tufte, while still being flexible to implement and providing numerous api options to tweak the look of the graphs.

Some key things Grafico supports:


Grafico graphs are initiated via this function call:

var foo = new Grafico.GraphType($(element), data, options);

$(element) is a prototype id selector, data is an object or array (depending on the graph) and options is optional and an object.


Supported graph types:

Tested on

Notable additions

Base graph options:

The background color of the graph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: backgroundcolor of $(element), else #fff
Select the colors for the lines or bars (object)
Default value: random colors
For line graphs: Add a hover with the text, and append the text to the marker hover, per line (object, example: {workload:'My workload'})
Can also be a function, to render custom labels, e.g. {workload:function(idx, value) { return ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'][idx] + " : " + value} }} for bar graphs: append a text per bar. (object, example: {workload: ["1","2","5"]})
Default value: empty
Show or hide the axis lines (boolean)
Default value: true
Show or hide hovers on line, area and stack charts (different from markers) (boolean)
Default value: false
Draw the focus lines on graphs with a non-zero starting point (boolean)
Default value: true
The font-size for the axis and hovers (number)
Default value: 10
Draw a grid or not (boolean)
Default value: true
The color of the gridlines (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: "#ccc"
Specify the height of the element (number)
Default value: height of $(element)
Color a bar or line should fade to on hover (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: empty
The color of the text in the hovers (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: "#fff"
The labels being displayed on the horizontal axis (array of strings)
Default value: numerical
The color of the axis, axis values and hovers (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: "#000"
If set, labels will be truncated to that number and an … will be added. (number, int)
Default value: false
Rotate the horizontal labels, in degrees. known limitation: it rotates around the center of the label (number)
Default value: 0
Set a standard left spacing regardless of vertical axis label width (number)
Default value: false
Display a line on the average of all datapoints. Accepts all Raphael parameters (object or boolean, example: { 'stroke-width': '2px', stroke: '#000' })
Default value: false, setting it to true will draw a 2px grey line.
Allows you to use your own normaliser instead of the built-in one (prototype class)
Default value: built-in normaliser
The amount of padding above the graph (number)
Default value: 20
Padding at the start and end of the graph (number)
Default value: 10
Set a custom right spacing. If not specified, a padding of 20 will be used (number)
Default value: false
Show the tick marks along the x and y axes
Default value: true
Show the horizontal axis and gridline (boolean)
Default value: true
Show the horizontal grid lines (boolean)
Default value: true
Show the vertical grid lines (boolean)
Default value: true
Show the vertical axis and gridlines (boolean)
Default value: true
Append a unit to the vertical axis and text in the hover (string)
Default value: empty
Add in an image to be used as watermark. (link to image or image element)
Default value: false
Where the watermark should be placed. default is the bottom right, can be placed in the center with "middle" (string)
Default value: bottom right
Specify the width of the element (number)
Default value: width of $(element)

Line graphs

Line graph with the default rendering (no options):

var linegraph = new Grafico.LineGraph($('linegraph'), { workload: [8, 10, 6, 12, 7, 6, 9] });

Line graph with custom options:

var linegraph2 = new Grafico.LineGraph($('linegraph2'), { workload: [0, 0, 8, 10, 6, 12, 7] },
  grid :                  true,
  plot_padding :          0,
  curve_amount :          0,
  start_at_zero :         false,
  stroke_width :          3,
  label_rotation :        -30,
  font_size :             11,
  vertical_label_unit :   "hr",
  colors :                {workload: '#4b80b6'},
  background_color :      "#fff",
  label_color :           "#444",
  grid_color :            "#ccf",
  markers :               "value",
  meanline :              { 'stroke-width': '2px', stroke: '#000' },
  draw_axis :             false,
  labels :                ['mon', '', 'wed', '', 'fri', '', 'sun'],
  hide_empty_label_grid : true,
  datalabels :            {workload:function(idx, value) {
	return ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'][idx] + " : " + value;

Line graph with multiple lines and a watermark:

var linegraph3 = new Grafico.LineGraph($('linegraph3'),
  workload:       [8, 10, 6, 12,7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6, 8,  4, 8, 12,6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2, 9,  12,7, 8, 9, 8]
  markers:            "circle",
  hover_color:        "#000",
  hover_text_color:   "#fff",
  watermark:          "Screenshot.png",
  watermark_location: "middle",
  draw_hovers:        true,
  datalabels: {
    workload:         "My workload",
    your_workload:    "Your workload",
    his_workload:     "His workload"

Line graph with multiple lines and negative values:

var linegraph4 = new Grafico.LineGraph($('linegraph4'),
  a : [8, -10, 6, 12,7, -6, -9],
  b : [6, 8,  -4, 8, -12,6, 2],
  c : [2, 9,  12,7, 8, -9, 8]


Line graph options:

Specify the curvature of linegraphs. 0 is hard edges (number)
Default value: 10
Display markers on the datapoint. (string)
Possible options:
  • "circle" - displays a circle
  • "value" - displays a hover with the value
Default value: false
The size of the marker (number)
Default value: 0 (smartly chosen)
Hide the vertical gridlines for all empty label on the horizontal axis. (boolean)
Default value: false
Set a default height in pixels that represent the activation zone for hover effect (int)
Default value: 15
If false, Grafico will not start drawing untill the value of a line graph becomes more than zero. (boolean)
Default value: true
Specify the width of the lines in pixels (number)
Default value: 5

Area graphs

Area graphs only support positive ranges.

Area graph with the default rendering (no options):

var areagraph = new Grafico.AreaGraph($('areagraph'), { workload: [8, 10, 6, 12, 7, 6, 9] });

Area graph with custom options:

var areagraph2 = new Grafico.AreaGraph($('areagraph2'),
{ workload: [8, 10, 6, 12, 7, 6, 9] },
  grid :                  true,
  area_opacity :          0.5,
  plot_padding :          0,
  font_size :             11,
  vertical_label_unit :   "hr",
  colors :                { workload: '#4b80b6' },
  background_color :      "#fff",
  label_color :           "#444",
  grid_color :            "#ccf",
  markers :               "value",
  meanline :              { 'stroke-width': '2px', stroke: '#000' },
  draw_axis :             false,
  labels :                ['monday', '', 'wednesday', '', 'friday', '', 'sunday'],
  datalabels :            { workload: 'My workload' },
  label_max_size :        4

Area graph with multiple areas:

var areagraph3 = new Grafico.AreaGraph($('areagraph3'),
  workload:       [8, 10,  6, 12,  7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6,  8,  4,  8, 12, 6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2,  9, 12,  7,  8, 9, 8]

Area graph with multiple areas and custom options:

var areagraph4 = new Grafico.AreaGraph($('areagraph4'),
  workload:       [8, 10,  6, 12,  7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6,  8,  4,  8, 12, 6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2,  9, 12,  7,  8, 9, 8]
  markers :                 "value",
  grid :                    false,
  draw_axis :               false,
  plot_padding :            0,
  stroke_width :            5,
  show_vertical_labels :    false,
  show_horizontal_labels :  false,
  hover_color :             "#000",
  hover_text_color :        "#fff",
  datalabels : {
    workload:       "My workload",
    your_workload:  "Your workload",
    his_workload:   "His workload"

Area graph options

Set a specific opacity for the areas. If none is given, single areas will be opaque, and multiple will get an opacity of 1.5/number-of-areas. (number between 0 and 1)
Default value: false
Line graph: display markers on the datapoint. (string)
Possible options:
  • "circle" - displays a circle
  • "value" - displays a hover with the value
Default value: false
The size of the marker (number)
Default value: 5
Hide the vertical gridlines for all empty label on the horizontal axis. (boolean)
Default value: false
If false, Grafico will not start drawing untill the value of a line graph becomes more than zero. (boolean)
Default value: true
Specify the width of the lines in pixels (number)
Default value: 0

Stacked area graphs

Stacked area graphs only support positive ranges.

Stack graph:

var stackgraph = new Grafico.StackGraph($('stackgraph'),
  workload:       [8, 10,  6, 1,  7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6,  8,  4, 1, 12, 6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2,  9, 12, 2,  8, 9, 8]

Stack graph with custom options:

var stackgraph2 = new Grafico.StackGraph($('stackgraph2'),
  workload:       [8, 10,  6, 1,  7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6,  8,  4, 1, 12, 6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2,  9, 12, 2,  8, 9, 8]
  markers :           "value",
  draw_axis :         false,
  plot_padding :      0,
  hover_text_color :  "#fff",
  background_color :  "#fff",
  datalabels: {
    workload:       "My workload",
    your_workload:  "Your workload",
    his_workload:   "His workload"

Stack line graph:

var stackgraph3 = new Grafico.StackGraph($('stackgraph3'),
  workload:       [8, 10,  6, 1,  7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6,  8,  4, 1, 12, 6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2,  9, 12, 2,  8, 9, 8]
  stacked_fill : false,
  markers : "value"

Stacked area graph options

Line graph: display markers on the datapoint. (string)
Possible options:
  • "circle" - displays a circle
  • "value" - displays a hover with the value
Default value: false
The size of the marker (number)
Default value: 5
Hide the vertical gridlines for all empty label on the horizontal axis. (boolean)
Default value: false
Specify if the stacked areas should be filled areas or lines (boolean)
Default value: true
If false, Grafico will not start drawing untill the value of a line graph becomes more than zero. (boolean)
Default value: true
Specify the width of the lines in pixels, only used if stacked_fill is false. (number)
Default value: 5

Stream graphs

Stream graphs are a special kind of stack graphs designed to show large amounts of volitile data, especially trends. The implementation is based on this paper.

Simple stream graph:

var streamgraph = new Grafico.StreamGraph($('streamgraph'),
  workload:       [8, 10,  6, 1,  7, 6, 9],
  your_workload:  [6,  8,  4, 1, 12, 6, 2],
  his_workload:   [2,  9, 12, 2,  8, 9, 8]

Example with labels:

var streamgraph2 = new Grafico.StreamGraph($('streamgraph2'),
  ie6:            [10, 9, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1],
  firefox:        [ 0, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5],
  chrome:         [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3]
  datalabels: {
    ie:      "Internet Explorer",
    firefox: "Mozilla Firefox",
    chrome:  "Google Chrome"

More complex stream graph:

The label for Harry Potter is not shown, as it does not reach the label threshold.

var streamgraph = new Grafico.StreamGraph($('streamgraph3'),
  movie1: [30, 33, 20, 10,  5,  3,  2,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
  movie2: [10, 15, 25, 28, 29, 26, 20, 10,  3,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
  movie3: [ 0,  4,  6,  8, 11, 13, 11,  9,  3,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
  movie4: [ 0,  0,  0,  1,  4,  9, 19, 28, 35, 44, 45, 45, 35, 18,  6,  3],
  movie5: [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  2,  2,  8, 20, 26, 29, 30, 31]
  stream_line_smoothing: 'simple',
  stream_smart_insertion: true,
  stream_label_threshold: 20,
  datalabels: {
    movie1: "James Bond",
    movie2: "Bourne Ultimatum",
    movie3: "Harry Potter",
    movie4: "Kill Bill",
    movie5: "Return of the Mummie"

Stream graph options

Minimum value for a stream to have it's label shown. Note that labels are automatically shown when the datalabels are defined. Default value: 0
Different algorithms for line smoothing. (string)
Possible options:
  • "simple" - simple smoothener of data
  • "weighted" - weights the thickness of data (not yet implemented)
Default value: false
Tries to determine a smart order for data based on the first moment a dataset becomes larger than 0.
Default value: false

Bar graphs

Bar graph:

var bargraph = new Grafico.BarGraph($('bargraph'), [31, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26]);

Bar graph with custom options:

var bargraph2 = new Grafico.BarGraph($('bargraph2'),
[31, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26],
  labels :              ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"],
  color :               '#4b80b6',
  meanline :            true,
  label_rotation :      -30,
  vertical_label_unit : "%",
  bargraph_lastcolor :  "#666666",
  hover_color :         "#006677",
  datalabels :          {one: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"]}

Bar graph with negative values: Negative (horizontal) bargraphs require raphael 1.4+ in IE

var bargraph = new Grafico.BarGraph($('bargraph3'),
[31, 12, -12, -10, 6, -4, 26],
  labels:                   ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"],
  color:                    '#4b80b6',
  meanline :                true,
  hover_color :             "#006677",
  bargraph_negativecolor : "#660000",
  datalabels :              {one: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"]}

Bar graph options

Select a different color for the last bar in a bargraph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: false
Select a different color for negative values in a bargraph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: false
Select the color for the bars (string)
Default value: random color

Stacked bar graphs

Stacked bar graphs only support positive ranges.

Stacked Bar graph:

var stackbargraph = new Grafico.StackedBarGraph($('stackbargraph'), {
  a: [31, 12, 12, 10,  6,  4, 26],
  b: [20,  4, 12, 21, 15, 16,  5]

Stacked Bar graph with custom options:

var stackedbargraph2 = new Grafico.StackedBarGraph($('stackbargraph2'),
    workload:       [8, 10,  6, 12,  7, 6, 9],
    your_workload:  [6,  8,  4,  8, 12, 6, 2],
    his_workload:   [2,  9, 12,  7,  8, 9, 8]
    labels:               ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"],
    colors:               {
      workload:       '#f60',
      your_workload:  '#5f3',
      his_workload:   '#08c'
    show_ticks:           false,
    hover_color:          "#CC0000",
    datalabels:           {
      workload:       ["8hrs", "10hrs", "6hrs", "12hrs", "7hrs",  "6hrs", "9hrs"],
      your_workload:  ["6hrs", "8hrs",  "4hrs", "8hrs",  "12hrs", "6hrs", "2hrs"],
      his_workload:   ["2hrs", "9hrs", "12hrs", "7hrs",  "8hrs",  "9hrs", "8hrs"]

Stacked Bar graph options

no specific options.

Horizontal bar graphs

Horizontal Bar graph:

var horizgraph = new Grafico.HorizontalBarGraph($('horizgraph'), [30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26]);

Horizontal Bar graph with custom options:

var horizgraph2 = new Grafico.HorizontalBarGraph($('horizgraph2'),
[30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26],
  horizontal_rounded :  true,
  draw_axis :           false,
  grid :                false,
  label_rotation :      -30,
  color :              '#4b80b6',
  meanline :            true,
  vertical_label_unit : "%",
  bargraph_lastcolor : "#666666",
  hover_color :        "#006677",
  labels :              ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
  datalabels :          {one:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"]},
  label_max_size :      5

Horizontal Bar graph with negative values

var horizgraph = new Grafico.HorizontalBarGraph($('horizgraph3'),
[30, -12, 12, 10, -6, -4, 26],
  datalabels: {one:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"]}

Horizontal bar options

Select a different color for the last bar in a bargraph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: false
Select a different color for negative values in a bargraph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: false
Select the color for the bars (string)
Default value: random color
Round the ends of horizontal bar graphs (boolean)
Default value: false



var sparkline = new Grafico.SparkLine($('sparkline1'), [30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26]);

Sparkline with custom options:

var sparkline2 = new Grafico.SparkLine($('sparkline2'),
[30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26],
  stroke_width:      3,
  color:             '#4b80b6',
  highlight:         { index: 2, color: "#f00" },
  acceptable_range:  [10,20],
  background_color:  "#ddd"

Sparkline with negative values:

var sparkline = new Grafico.SparkLine($('sparkline3'),
[30, 12, -12, -10, 6, 4, 26]
  zeroline: true

Sparkline options

draws the background between two value to denote an acceptable range (array, example: [0,10])
Default value: false, needs an explicit background color
Set the color (string)
Default value: random color
draw a circle on one of the datapoints (object, example: {index: 2, color: "#f00"})
color is the color of the circle, index is the datapoint to be highlighted (zero-based)
Default value: false, setting it to true will draw a red dot on the last datapoint.
specify the width of the sparkline in pixels (number)
Default value: 1
Display a line on the zero line. Accepts all Raphael parameters (object or boolean, example: { 'stroke-width': '1px', stroke: '#000' }) Default value: false, setting it to true will draw a 1px grey line.



var sparkbar = new Grafico.SparkBar($('sparkbar1'), [30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26]);

SparkBar with custom options:

var sparkbar2 = new Grafico.SparkBar($('sparkbar2'),
[30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26],
  color :            '#4b80b6',
  acceptable_range :  [0,20],
  background_color : "#ddd",
  bargraph_lastcolor: "#000"

Sparkbar with negative values:

var sparkbar3 = new Grafico.SparkBar($('sparkbar3'),
[30, -12, 12, -10, -6, -4, 26],
  zeroline : true,
  bargraph_negativecolor : "#660"

Sparkbar options

draws the background between two value to denote an acceptable range (array, example: [0,10])
Default value: false, needs an explicit background color
select a different color for the last bar in a bargraph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: false
select a different color for negative values in a bargraph (string, example: "#fff")
Default value: false
Set the color (string)
Default value: random color
Display a line on the zero line. Accepts all Raphael parameters (object or boolean, example: { 'stroke-width': '1px', stroke: '#000' }) Default value: false, setting it to true will draw a 1px grey line.



var sparkarea = new Grafico.SparkArea($('sparkarea1'), [30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26]);

Sparkarea with custom options:

var sparkarea2 = new Grafico.SparkArea($('sparkarea2'),
[30, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26, 12, 12, 10, 6, 4, 26],
  stroke_width : 1,
  color: ['#4b80b6',"#ddd"],
  highlight: {index: 20, color: "#f00"},

Sparkarea options

draws the background between two value to denote an acceptable range (array, example: [0,10])
Default value: false, needs an explicit background color
Set the color. If given an array, the first value will be used for the stroke and the second for the area. If given a string, it will be used for both, with the area being given 0.2 opacity. (string or array)
Default value: random color
draw a circle on one of the datapoints (object, example: {index: 2, color: "#f00"})
color is the color of the circle, index is the datapoint to be highlighted (zero-based)
Default value: false, setting it to true will draw a red dot on the last datapoint.
specify the width of the sparkline in pixels (number)
Default value: 1
Display a line on the zero line. Accepts all Raphael parameters (object or boolean, example: { 'stroke-width': '1px', stroke: '#000' }) Default value: false, setting it to true will draw a 1px grey line.